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Childcare costs in Waalre

You choose childcare. Then you are also curious about prices. Childcare fees are often quoted gross per hour. You need the gross hourly rate to apply for childcare benefits from the tax authorities, but it does not give you a clear picture of the actual costs.

Therefore, we have a handy calculator tool for you, which allows you to quickly and easily calculate the net costs of childcare for your specific situation. In a single overview, you will see all forms of childcare for all your children together. That way, you immediately know what you will pay monthly at the bottom of the line, which is nice!

To the calculation tool

Childcare rates 2025

We have included the most common contract types in the table below. The directors of the various locations can tell you exactly what else is possible at their location. 

On mobile, swipe the table to the left and right to view it properly.

Municipality of Waalre

Type of care Gross monthly price Gross hourly rate
Childcare 52 weeks a year* €510,51 €10,71
Preschool care 40 weeks a year €403,33 €11,00
BSO 52 weeks a year** €257,80 €9,52
BSO 40 weeks a year** €171,69 €11,02
VSO*** €34,60 €10,38

Rounding differences and errors reserved. You cannot derive any rights from this table.

* based on 1 full day. 
** BSO prices are based on school end times. The prices mentioned here are based on the end time of 2:30 pm. Through the calculation tool you calculate exactly the costs based on your chosen days and the corresponding end times of the (earliest) school. 
*** the gross monthly price of pre-school care assumes purchase of preschool for 1 hour a week.

Toddler play in Waalre Toddler play in Waalre
Toddler play in Waalre Toddler play in Waalre
Preparing for primary school while playing

Subsidised preschool playgrounds

Our childcare locations in Waalre are official toddler playgroups of the municipality of Waalre. This means that we can offer 2 half-day sessions of toddler care, part of which is paid for by the municipality for non-working parents. Children with a VVE indication get a third half-day fully reimbursed by the municipality.

Parents who are not entitled to childcare allowances can see the parental contribution table to see how much they pay monthly, based on their income. 

No rights can be derived from this table. No rights can be derived from this table.  

View parent contribution table

What about childcare allowance?

If you combine caring for your child(ren) with work, a study or an integration programme, you are usually entitled to childcare allowance. The amount of the childcare allowance depends on your family situation and the aggregate income of you and your partner (if applicable). Check the website of the Tax Administration to find out whether you are entitled to childcare allowance. Are you entitled to this? Then you can apply for childcare allowance via this website. 

Note: apply for the childcare allowance within 3 months after the childcare has started, to avoid missing out on childcare allowance. Has your income, family situation or the location or hourly rate of the childcare changed? Please report this change to the Tax Administration as soon as possible.

Discover our locations!

Atalenta offers education and childcare at more than 55 locations in the Valkenswaard, Waalre, Eindhoven, Bergeijk, Cranendonck and Heeze-Leende region. Curious about a suitable location for your child?

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