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Childcare costs in Valkenswaard

Have you found a childcare location that suits you well? Then you will naturally be curious about the cost of childcare.

With our calculation tool, you can quickly and easily calculate within one minute what you will pay per month for your specific situation. The calculation also takes childcare allowance into account (if you are entitled to it).

To the calculation tool

Childcare rates 2025

To apply for childcare allowance you need the gross hourly rates of childcare. We have included these, for the most common contract types, in the table below. Our directors can tell you exactly what else is possible at their location. 

On mobile, swipe the table left and right to get a good view of the table.

Type of care Gross monthly rate Gross hourly rate
Childcare 52 weeks* €510,51 €10,71
Preschool 40 weeks** €307,73 €11,54
BSO 52 weeks** €257,80 €9,52
BSO 40 weeks** €171,69 €11,02
VSO 40 weeks*** €34,60 €10,38

Rounding differences and errors reserved. You cannot derive any rights from this table.

* At St. Jan daycare center, we work with 11-hour or 12-hour contracts. This corresponds to the opening hours of the location. The gross monthly price remains the same, but the difference in hours causes the gross hourly price to change.
**Based on 2 half-day sessions
*** Prices BSO are based on the end time of schools. The prices mentioned here are based on the end time of 14.30h.  Through the calculation tool you can calculate exactly the costs based on your chosen days and the corresponding end times of the (earliest) school. 
**** This is not offered at every location.

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All about childcare allowance and subsidy

Childcare costs in Valkenswaard en

Interested in childcare for your child(ren)? Then you must be curious about the costs. Many families are entitled to a childcare allowance or subsidy from the municipality.

Read more about childcare allowance
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Watering plants Watering plants
Subsidy from the municipality for preschool care

Not entitled to childcare allowance?

Parent(s)/carer(s) who are not entitled to childcare allowance are always entitled to subsidy from the municipality. That is if: 

  • one of the parents works (and the other does not work);
  • both parents do not work.

In both cases, for 2 mornings* toddler care, part of the costs are covered by a subsidy from the municipality, the other part of the costs you pay yourself (parental contribution). The table below shows, depending on your income, how much you have to pay per month for 2 mornings of toddler care. 

*On the indication of the GGD childcare centre, this can be extended to 4 mornings. This also applies to parents entitled to childcare allowance.

No rights can be derived from the parent contribution table. 

View parent contribution table Valkenswaard

Discover our locations!

Atalenta offers education and childcare at more than 55 locations in the Valkenswaard, Waalre, Eindhoven, Bergeijk, Cranendonck and Heeze-Leende region. Curious about a suitable location for your child?

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